Megan also said that on her 7th grade , she made a poem about her hamster named "Cutiepie" who died ;D
Hamster Poem
Cutiepie, Cutiepie you had to die,
No one has the real answers why.
So as I lay here and cry,
I remember your safe and sound,
and the big spooky wheel in the sky.
Summer Forever Poem
Summer, Summer you're everything I need you to be,
Summer, Summer forever you will be.
Summer Summer, I can't wait to lay on a raft in the pool,
Possibly a donut or swan would be cool.
But when summer comes to an end, I don't know what to do,
So I sit here and eat lots of food.
Fanlala made an article about it so go check it out by clicking the link here .
Cute! <3